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Negative Ion Store

Wire Cage Pendant Luck and Abundance

Wire Cage Pendant Luck and Abundance

Regular price $ 14.99
Regular price Sale price $ 14.99
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The Wire Cage Pendant Luck and Abundance is a remarkable piece that combines the empowering energies of Citrine and the manifestation properties of Iron Pyrite. Together, these crystals create a potent combination that amplifies the energies of success and abundance. This pendant serves as a powerful talisman, reminding the wearer to embrace their potential, take inspired action, and attract the success and abundance they desire. It is a symbol of strength, motivation, and the power to create a prosperous and fulfilling life.

Citrine: Known as the stone of abundance and success, radiating a vibrant golden energy that attracts prosperity, success, and positive opportunities. Its sunny hues inspire optimism, confidence, and motivation. 

Iron Pyrite: Symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and manifestation. It empowers the wearer with the determination, focus, and ambition needed to achieve their goals. 

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